FREE GUIDE: 64 Ways To Grow Your Practice

43 New patients THIS MORNING, with this phone script ….

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There is a concept in Marketing called “permission-based marketing”….

In its most simplistic explanation, it just means that you have created a situation where the potential new patient is thinking (consciously or subconsciously)…. YES YOU CAN CALL ME!

I have for a loooong time said that most practice owners don’t utilize or leverage the power of outbound telemarketing enough … AND if they do…… THEY SUCK AT IT!


Remember theses 2 key points ..

  1. Please remember that we are not trained “telemarketers” and most of us have never trained nor managed a telemarketing team….
  2. As a rule of thumb most CA’s HATE outbound telephone calls … especially calls that could be considered to be “sales” calls. If they “hate” them, then you can be damn sure that they are going to suck at them.


  1. Hire a trained, skilled telemarketing team … which for most us is a slight stretch of resources and skill-set (with all due respect).
  2. SET YOUR CA’S UP FOR A WIN, by creating a situation where they can open the call up with these magic words…


Here it is…..

“I’m just calling to see if you have received our …..”


“this is just a courtesy call to check you got our ….”

You’re probably asking yourself …. what did they “receive” or what did you send them?

Well the answer is … A LOT ACTUALLY and I’m teaching this on the 16th and 17th on my live webinar.

Just this morning we have booked 43 New Patients with that line… (LITERALLY THIS MORNING)

If you want the full campaign, exactly what to send (emails, texts and post) then your going to want to be on my live webinar .. YOU’RE GOING TO LOVE IT!

Love and light


P.S. I’m giving away KILLER copy and paste templates on the webinar

P.S.S: Join Me On My Free 2021 C0vid Marketing Masterclass

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