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[Lockdown Diaries] Was I About To LOSE IT ALL??


I will never forget the exact moment I realised that we would be forced to close our doors!

Disbelief really is the only way I can describe it!

Easily 10,000+ bookings pre-booked in our schedule that would need contacting and re-scheduling where possible, let alone the easily 1.5 to 2 million dollars (minimum) we were about to throw down the drain. 

Thats what that moment meant in reality …

But like many, we didn’t have a choice. 

Time to re-focus, plan for damage control, mitigate risk and have some pretty uncomfortable conversations with associates, landlords and customers!

I will be honest, the brave positive face that everyone saw was scared, probably for the first time in my business career!

But honestly I just couldn’t afford the luxury of “being scared”. Over 100+ people relying on me for provision in some way shape or form!

Was I really “that good” at marketing and new patient generation and reactivation strategies that I could get the $7 million dollars revenue, 3000 visits per week and 10,000 new patients a year back through the doors!

Well I guess, right then was probably the biggest litmus test I was just about to face in my life. 

Fast forward 8 weeks of planning and prepping to this week…”re-open” week. 

In reality the re-open strategies had been set in motion 8 weeks ago in planning etc and I’m pleased to say that…


This week we reactivated and booked over 500+ new and reactivated patients and we have only touched about a third of the entire data base. 

At one point we had 500 people in a single day request an appointment via text, email or phone…all stimulated by our “re-launch” game plan. 

You see no matter how “good” I thought my strategies in the past were…NEVER HAD I EVER DEALT WITH ANYTHING LIKE THIS!

And honestly, I was shitting myself just before we pulled the trigger on the “re-launch strategies”!

I will never forget staring at the computer screen, looking a big fat zero, and anxiously hovering the mouse over the refresh button for 30 seconds before working up the courage to push it…


Tears began to well up with joy as I saw over 100 people book appointments within 60 seconds of triggering the campaign.


And booking 500+ re-bookings a day!

We still got some way to go! 

But damn I cant believe how well this stuff is working and I have had so many people reach out for help that I’m going to be teaching the core marketing, reactivation, email, text, phone and sales strategies thats getting us back to pre-COVID numbers!

CLICK HERE to join us!

And we have some pretty cool friends joining us live…Dr. John Demartini, Brian Tracy and Les Brown. 

Whether you join us or not, I want you to know that you’ve GOT THIS!

People want what we got! It’s incredible to hear the joy in people’s voices when they hear we are open!

That’s the power of chiropractic!

Love and light,


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