I was once taught a saying that has served me incredibly well over my career…
“The problem is never the problem”.
One of the most frequently asked queries I get is from chiropractors asking how they can improve their PROGRESS EXAMS or “how do I stop people dropping out at progress exams!
Honestly… A Progress exam or review exam problem …..is almost NEVER a progress exam problem.
95% of the cause or root problem around high dropouts rates at the progress exams start WAY before that.
Going deeper, it is my opinion that at least 80% of progress exam problems can be traced back to an efficient Day 1, Day 2 process.
This is not the platform to try to solve ALL your Day 1 Day 2 problems, but if you would like to be notified next time I teach my “Conversion Alchemy” course click here
In the meantime …
Here is a killer tip… BOOK PAST THE FIRST PROGRESS.
It may sound obvious but let me tell ya…. it certainly isn’t common. In fact, if you asked me to guess how many chiropractors actually book their patients past the first progress exam, which is usually 12 visits, I’m going to say that it would be less than 5%.
I guarantee you that simply booking a patient into your schedule and locking in the times and dates up until, at least the 2nd progress exam …. AT A MINIMUM …. will absolutely transform your practice.
Your PVA will skyrocket, your numbers will skyrocket, and more importantly, your confidence will skyrocket…… etc. etc.
Trust me, when you do your next training or meeting with your team, simply draw a line in the sand and mention to the entire team that this is the goal for the next month …
You will be flabbergasted by the results if you get the entire team behind you, and simply insist that this is how you now operate!
Often the key to getting this really rocking is by getting cooperation from the front desk.
Simple right….. We will see 🙂
If you accept this challenge … expect your practice to explode 🙂
Love and light