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210 New Patients This Week…!

Here are the stats…

27 of those were “reactivations” and 183 are paid new patients through Facebook and organic traffic.

Our Facebook adverts are killing it…!

Why?? I think it’s because everybody else has pulled advertising spend allowing us to mop up most of the market.

This is the power of not operating out of retractive fear based responses… 

Just operating and responding based on the FACTS and numbers!

Here are the metrics for our Facebook adverts…

We are comfortably booking and taking payment over the phone of at least 50% of all leads prior to appointment at $40 to $50 each for a new patient consultation (discounted special). 

That means that we can generate leads that cost us up to $20-25 a lead and still break even…

That’s not including all the bookings we will naturally take over time with proper follow-up!

Last week our cost per lead across the 8 practices averaged around $11 per lead….

This is the power of knowing numbers… 

Based on the above I was able to tell my team to ramp up the spend and just watch that the cost per lead and just let me know when it exceeds $25 per lead. 

Naturally the cost per lead will climb now as we reach advert fatigue. Also whenever you ramp up advertising spend the cost per lead will naturally also climb. 


On those metrics, if we keep at least a 50% paid booking rate immediately, we could go all the way up to $40 PER LEAD and more and it would still only be costing us $15 per client acquisition.


Hope that helps!

If you want to find out how we can just do your adverts for you, just click on the link below and jump on a call with my team to see if we can help:

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