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Genius of The Week: Luc Archambault

Can you tell me a bit about yourself?

I’m French Canadian, based in Quebec, Canada. 

I started practicing in 1999, so it’s been about 22-23 years of practice now. I had a practice in Canada, but then I moved to London about 10 years ago and then started Spine Works Chiropractic 6 years ago. 

We have a practice now, which is a Chiropractic BioPhysics Care Oriented, so we have a specialty on correcting spinal deviation. 

My goal is to have a large clinic, to train chiropractors, and to learn CBP, here in London. That’s the reason why I moved to the UK, as there is more opportunity here. There weren’t many chiropractors back home in Canada who were practicing with this specialty as compared to what exists in the UK. 

I started my own practice a few years ago, and now we are a team of 7. I’ve got a great practice manager, a great assistant, and overall, just a really great team. 

Why did you choose Ryan as a mentor? What’s the story there?

Ryan’s content started to pop up on my phone while I was on a run one day. I came across his podcast, and I thought, “Who’s this guy Ryan?”. He had a very business-oriented view of how to teach chiropractors. I’ve been running practices for 20-something years now, so of course we knew all the techniques, but we didn’t know much about the marketing side. It was something we wanted to get better at. I saw something about public speaking, and about how to get new patients through public talks. So, I started doing talks outside and had all these ideas about corporate events. 

Being French-speaking, I’m always a bit shy about public speaking, but I love the energy of doing it. I’m very dynamic, and I felt very connected with Ryan. It was very contagious energy, and I thought, “I’m sure I can learn a lot from this”. 

 I attended a Mastermind just before Covid happened in 2020, and from there I decided to register to become a part of the Inner Circle. This whole concept of a group of people trying to understand the business part of things was very interesting to me, and I remember I had a great call with Elizabeth the first week and thought, “Yes, I really am joining the Inner Circle; this seems like a really great group of people!”

So that’s how I started, and the reason I stayed was, that I’m the sole owner of the practice and it’s very helpful to see when others in my situation have the same questions or issues, and this is why I do the one on one coaching with Ryan because I need a mentor who I can talk to, and who can answer the concerns and questions that I have. 

What has been your big AH HA Learning Moment?

Well, there have been many! But in the beginning, when I was trying to run my practice during covid, I was trying to listen to everyone who was managing things during this. I remember we had our first quarterly throughout all of this, and I saw how much more powerful and organised I could be with my team. Actually, it was my practice manager who organised the whole thing, and that itself was a real success point for us. 

Since then, we’ve really had the practice manager learning a lot from the group, and in return teaching not only to me but also to the rest of the team. I would say my team is much more organised now actually.

Another AH HA is when we started to use the DFY Service and started to do the Facebook Marketing, and we had something like 40 new patients in a month, and it was crazy! It was really great to see the overall results. 

How would you say your business has changed since you met Ryan? What has been your biggest win?

I’ve recently learned how to delegate responsibility from my shoulders to other people in the clinic. I’m very impressed with how Ryan manages his team, and that they all take such great initiative. I’m trying to replicate the same model. We’re more organised now. I would say the structure of my team building up is definitely a big win. 

We also constantly have a flow of new patients, and more spinal screenings, to now using CRM, using the emails that DCPG produces… using all these systems on a regular basis has brought about a major shift. 

I think the biggest win of all has been what joining the group has brought me, also the possibility now of doing in-house spinal screenings. We had one last time in which we had 68 people scheduled, 47 showed up and 18 bookings out of that, and that was a normal day at the clinic. I didn’t do anything I think that’s a big win because I didn’t organise it. I think that’s a good representation of a win. Me and my staff just practiced that day as we normally would, while DCPG organised the rest for us. So, it was me just working my normal day!

So, what’s next now for you and your practice?

I’m currently working on expanding the clinic. We’re a team of 7 right now, but I’m taking over the premises next door, so I’m doubling the clinic, which is my dream because I wanted to become a center of chiropractic training, so I’m going to hire two new associates this year. I’m also aiming to have a team of around 10-12 people in the future. 

I know now that I should have about 60-70 new people a month to sustain the full practice. My top goal now is to use my practice hours to be able to manage and train people, but I really could not have done this without the help of Ryan and the rest of the DCPG team.

What advice would you give to someone considering joining Ryan?

I’ve had some people (friends and others) observing how I’ve been managing the clinic, and I’ve gotten a lot of comments and compliments along the lines of, “Wow, your stuff is so organised!” They ask me about the scripts they should tell their practice managers to use, and they tell me that they want to learn from me, and I tell them “I can’t teach you this, I’m in the process of learning myself at the moment.”

I told them to just follow all the same steps that I have, and they will be able to have the same kind of growth that I have. 

Anyone who wants to learn how to be more organised in running their business, and wants to do the marketing for their business, I tell them that this process is amazingly helpful. 

What else do you get from the teachings etc?

I think there are 3 aspects of why I love to be in the Inner Circle. There is Ryan’s teaching, there is how Team DCPG is operating, and the access that my team has to the DCPG team at all times. At times my practice manager calls Team DCPG to ask them something, I don’t even know about it. So, it’s very resourceful to have this. 

Compared to other marketing agencies, it’s targeted to our services, so we don’t have to explain what the business is, so it’s been great from that aspect. 

It’s also been great to be constantly in contact with other practice owners, and it’s so encouraging when I see other practice owners who have a 90k-a-month income, and I think “Right, let’s do this!” Seeing all the success is super good as well. 

Some recent spinal screening results for Spine Works:

  • Spinal Screening (01/06/23) – £300 spent for 165 leads, meaning a cost per lead of £1.82
  • Lower Back Pain and Sciatica Lead Ged- £394.84 spent for 73 leads, meaning a cost per lead of £5.41
  • Spinal Screening (30/03/23) – £300 spent for 176 leads, meaning a cost per lead of £1.70

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