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Genius of The Week: John Roberts

Could you tell me a bit about yourself?

Me and my wife Agnes, graduated in 2003, and then we set up our business together in 2006. 

We’ve coached with various people over the years, and we got to a point in our business where we were happy with our processes, but we were still struggling to get new patients.

There’s very little opportunity to do screenings around where we are based, so we really struggled to generate large quantities of patients and instead worked really hard on our retention, and we got very good at that. 

We’ve managed to tick off a lot of big things over the years. We’ve had 3 kids now and continue to build our work up. 

Why did you choose Ryan as a mentor? What’s the story there?

I saw Ryan doing lots of different things and I got quite intrigued. I saw the advert for New Patient Avalanche and was very impressed by that. 

I realised that I was better off just adjusting patients, and then having the DCPG team who do the Facebook ads do it for me professionally. I wanted to just delegate the work.

Having just one new patient covers the fee of the “Done For You” service, so it really was a no-brainer to go for it! 

Incorporating things like Infusionsoft, and having a recall list etc., we never had these before, and these things have really blown the roof off of the practice! We have to call our account manager at times and ask him to turn the Facebook ads off because we can’t fit in the new patients! 

New Patient Avalanche was such a learning point for us. I realised that our marketing would drop off when we were more focused on just doing the adjusting’s. Since the marketing aspect was just going up and down, we wanted to outsource it. From there I went and joined the Inner Circle and attended a Mastermind. I was very impressed with how Ryan coached on managing staff, and that’s not something we have done any work on prior. 

What has been your big AH HA Learning moment?

Stop doing everything yourself! Learn how to delegate and outsource things that don’t need to be done internally. 

How would you say your business has changed since you met Ryan? What has been your biggest win?

New patient numbers have increased. We were quite happy with our procedures and our rate of retention, so we didn’t want to change anything there, but the key challenge was always generating new patients, so since Ryan has helped with that, it has significantly changed things. 

So, what’s next now for you and your practice?

I understand that you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket, so we are currently updating our website so that we can run campaigns from there. We’ve got screenings and corporate talks booked, as well as in-house screenings. There have just been so many different methods of generating new patients! We most recently did the fishbowl marketing. To take such a massive amount of information and implement it, and team DCPG doing a lot of the work for us, helped us to implement the teachings. We’re now confident that we have several different sources now. Can’t praise the service highly enough! 

What advice would you give to someone considering joining Ryan?

I’m glad we did our stuff the way that we did it. We worked on our retention skills. Ryan says that Marketing is a good solution to any problem short term, and I completely agree with that. If your communication skills, your retention skills and your care aren’t good enough it can become quite stressful. When you have been working on a limited number of patients, and you take on the teachings, it can be interesting to see how you would incorporate that into how things are currently working. 

It’s been really good. So, I would say you have to want to deal with the pressure of how busy you are going to get while implementing everything. 

What else do you get from the teachings?

Team DCPG has been very helpful. You always have someone to speak to quite quickly and you have campaigns set up quickly and efficiently. I wouldn’t be monitoring our Facebook ads performance, whereas I get emails from Team DCPG with updates about it. So definitely a lot of appreciation for the quality of service we have been provided with.

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