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Case Study: Done For You Spotlight – Julien Barker – Love Is In The Air in South Molton!

Done For You Spotlight – Julien Barker @ Spinal Health Centre South Street – Love Is In The Air in South Molton!

February was filled with love as the Done For You Valentines campaigns were revealed to the world to help couples and singletons with their aches and pains. Although Valentine’s Day can be a tricky period for lead generation (due to the previously long New Year campaign), the people of Devon were plenty struck by Cupid’s bow this year.

The clinic to take advantage of this frenzy was Spinal Health Centre South Street. Owned and run by Julien Barker, with the help of his Practice Manager Laura and the rest of the team. Many of you are likely to know Julien as a long standing member of the Ryan Rieder Inner Circle, but he only made the decision to join the Done For You service in late October 2022. Julien and the team had been actively advertising before, with campaigns going as far back as March 2021, however it got to the point where there was less time to consistently produce ads. This meant when they joined I could analyse what had been working well for them and refine, rather than build their strategy from scratch. His addition to the service was conveniently timed, as our first campaign together actually resulted in the recommendation of image ads on Facebook at the following November Mastermind – weeks after he joined!

Fast forward a few months and we have had plenty of successful campaigns, but most recently being Valentine’s Day. Here are some of the reasons I believe it did so well:

  1. Making the time for the campaign: For the benefit of Valentine’s Day, and their desire to have it start on 1st February, the team at Spinal Health Centre South Street were happy to turn off their New Year campaign slightly earlier than normal, to allow an adequate amount of rest between campaigns.
  2. Changing the offer: Something not easily done for many, Julien has the luxury of a clinic filled with individuals who offer a variety of services – spinal therapy, massage therapy and acupuncture. This means he can pick and choose which style of lead gen he wants to offer. With Valentine’s Day, it was an easy choice to go with a massage offer – something he had not advertised with me since November. This was a contrast, compared to the spinal therapy and acupuncture lead gens that came before it.
  3. Successful new creatives: With innovation on the mind, the Done For You team have been creating and trying new ad creatives to keep things fresh for you as clients but also for the targeted population. One creative made had a resounding effect for Julien, and contributed to 66% of the total leads generated for this campaign!

With all the details out of the way, it is time to LOOK AT THE STATS!

For their Valentine’s Day Massage Lead Gen:

Overall Spend: £268.20

Total New Leads: 95

Cost Per Lead: £2.82

Don’t believe me? Here’s a screenshot taken directly from their ads manager:

This was a sensational result and is definitely rubbing shoulders (no pun intended) with the best performing Valentines Day campaigns since the inception of the Done For You service! More importantly, it has kept Julien’s team busy with new patients and continued his strong start to 2023!

The Done For You Spotlight is always up for grabs, whether you have been on the service for 2 years or 2 weeks, so let’s see who manages to take it for the next edition of the Done For You Spotlight.

Wishing you all success,

P.S – If you want a member of the Done For You team to manage your digital marketing, please contact Dan ( or Ben ( to schedule yourself an introduction call.

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