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Bruce and Holly Hilligan: The Chiropractic Power Duo! 

Bruce and Holly Hilligan have known Ryan for a long time!

Bruce and Ryan went to school and then university together. When Bruce moved to the UK in 2009, he worked with Ryan at Halsa, “A lot of my Ryan learning was from there”, Bruce said.

Eventually, Bruce and Holly Hilligan (who also used to work at Halsa) opened their practice in 2019!

DC Practice Growth has helped the couple set up their business. They have received guidance and services on everything ranging from guidance on location, practice, contracts, and employment, and the marketing team helped them set up their Facebook marketing. The community group has also been a big appeal for the couple.

“In 2015 Ryan recommended a book to me called ‘The Compound Effect’. I’m always consuming more books and listening to him on what to read. He’s provided me with a lot of encouragement and advice on personal growth, and personal development and overall has always encouraged me to be good at being a chiropractor. He’s done so much and done it so well. It inspires me to keep up as well”, Bruce stated. “I was always quite a high-performing chiropractor, but I achieved more success when I go my life in order.” 

Holly and Bruce Hilligan have a good system of running their business together.

Holly runs things from behind the scenes: marketing, operations, HR, etc. She impressively does this on top of being a full-time mum to 2 kids. 

Bruce’s role is that of the visionary and the technician. His way of practicing is unique, as it’s chiropractic plus structural rehabilitation of the spine. “It’s unique. They are probably only 7 practices in the UK that are doing this. I became an expert in this field and needed a lot more space and specialised equipment for this. I was meeting a lot of people who I knew how to help, but couldn’t because I didn’t have the specialised equipment, the facilities, or the opportunities to help them. My role has been putting that together logistically, making sure our team is trained on various rehabs and using all the equipment”, Bruce said. 

Holly runs things from behind the scenes: marketing, operations, HR, etc. She impressively does this on top of being a full-time mum to 2 kids. She also manages the recruitment and training of the CAs. That’s because she initially started as a CA herself! She handles all the management of the business. 

Bruce and Holly are always interested to see what new things Ryan is developing all the time. They particularly like the bi-weekly Q&A sessions and like to see people reflecting on it in the group afterward too. “It’s interesting to see who’s doing well and learning from them too”, Bruce said.

Holly and Bruce value the community aspect of Ryan’s teachings. “Some are doing great in marketing, some in retaining the team members, and some in building good company cultures. We are having our quarterly soon, and so, have recently been having conversations about what the ice-breaking exercises should be. It’s nice to see what works for people and what doesn’t. It’s really good, advanced learning.” 

Holly and Bruce have recently hired another associate, so they see about 300 a week now. “It’s the marketing, it’s the talk boot camps which has helped this. Ryan said I was always the most consistent doing the corporate talks!”

On reflecting on his recent learnings, Bruce talks about how he has recently realized that he should build a more personal relationship with his team. Holly is also set to attend the upcoming ‘Finance Skills Day’. 

Upon enquiring with Bruce about a big recent takeaway of his from Ryan’s teachings, he delivered some great wisdom. “The better you communicate, the newer clients you have. The better you educate, the more retention you have!” 

Ryan’s recent learnings have been very helpful for Holly and Bruce.

He mentions how Ryan guides him and teaches him to implement new techniques through his teachings. For instance, when he went to the States, he was looking at various practices and noticed practitioners who had similar setups to Bruce and Holly’s. He then guided them to put the equipment in the front, have the adjusting at the back, and separate rooms for X-rays. He guided them about the little things about the practice setup which over time has made all the difference. 

“I would recommend Ryan’s’ teachings to anyone. I told a now platinum member to just get started on the basics, and that he would get value from there, and now he’s platinum, so obviously there was some value there!

It’s a no-brainer because there’s no one else with the experience, and the system set up to help. It’s good value”, said Bruce.

Holly has also gotten great value from the weekly calls. Learning about things like management and organisation charts have been really useful.

“Ryan’s done so well and done so much and we’re so proud of him, and he inspires us”, they both agreed. 

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