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Case Study: Done For You Spotlight- Sarah Williams and Josh Hutcheson

Done For You Spotlight – Sarah Williams and John Hutcheson Achieve 82 New Leads in their New Year Campaign at a cost per lead of £3.60!!!

Main Body:

It’s stats time once again! Our Done For You agency members have experienced another exciting month with amazing results across the board. We have been able to generate hundreds of new leads and event sign ups through our campaigns. We closely monitor every campaign we create throughout the month, and track their progress to ensure we generate the best results possible for our clients. Every month we like to pick a single campaign that stands out above the rest and showcase them in our ‘Done For You Spotlight’, so that you too can be inspired.

This month’s ‘Done For You Spotlight’ focuses on Sarah and John, of The Chiropractic Hub in Stamford. Sarah and John have only recently opened their clinic and wanted to get off to a strong start, so they enlisted the help of our services here at the Done For You agency. As this was the first time we would be advertising for their clinic we decided it would be best to proceed with both a New Year themed lead generation campaign and a Spinal Screening campaign too, so that we could get their dairies booked up as soon as possible.

One of the most important things to get right when putting together the first campaign for a new client is the targeting. As always whenever someone new joins our service we go through any of their previous targeting with a fine tooth comb in order to optimise it as much as possible, as this forms the foundation of all future campaigns. We put together a special themed copy for the lead generation campaign, got John to film a short video and we managed to generate 10 NEW leads within the first 7 hours of the campaign! One of the benefits of the Done For You service is that we closely monitor our client’s campaigns and check their performance at least once a day. This is important when it comes to optimising campaigns as it allows us to react quickly when a specific ad is not performing well and switch it off before it wastes any of the advertising spend. When looking at Sarah and John’s New Year campaign we noticed that out of the four ads we were running, two were not performing as well (generating leads at £7.50 and £5.71 respectively), so we switched them off which allowing Facebook to push the budget to the best performing ad (generating leads at £3.51).

The lead generation campaign did so well that we even had to stop it briefly for eight days, so that Sarah and John could catch up with the leads we managed to generate. When trying to keep your cost per lead down as low as possible it is extremely important that you regularly check your campaign’s ads to see if any of them are costing you more to generate leads. The quicker you can identify your best performing ads the better your campaign will perform as you will be able to make the most out of your ad spend.

Now for the big reveal… THE STATS!!!

From one campaign on Facebook:

Overall Spend: £294.95

Total Leads: 82

Cost Per Lead: £3.60

Unbelievable? Here’s the Proof!

This is an incredible result for a new client, generating 80 new leads, especially considering the campaign had an eight day break and cost them less than £300 from start to finish!

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