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How Do You Organise Corporate Talks?

When you do a corporate talk, you will find that it has the least sales resistance. I’ve had many people do this for the first time who say, “It was the easiest sale I’ve ever done in my life.”

So, it’s the easiest “screening” you’ll ever do in your life.

But the hard work is getting in and, once you’re there, actually knowing what to do.

I’m telling you, there’s nothing more valuable than gathering people together. This is the single best form of lead generation as there is so little resistance.

If I was forced to start all over again, I would pretty much exclusively focus on the strategies in this book (orientation, corporate talks and guest workshops, which is covered next.)

The first part of making this work is actually having strategies for getting into companies. So, how do you do that?

There are two main options that I’m going to cover:

• Your own database
• Outreach

Your Own Database

The inside track is always the best. Remember that most of your clients in the practice work somewhere.

So, the simplest way to get into a company is to ask your clients in the practice.

I will cover the strategy for that briefly, but it is worth mentioning that, in most cases, simply being purposeful about demonstrating in your “office media” (newsletters, posts, emails, posters, etc.) that you actually do these “lunch and learns” in local businesses in and around the local area, is half the battle.

If you do this religiously, practice members will often enquire organically. Most of the time, people simply don’t know that you do “lunch and learns,” as part of your service offering.

If your office media demonstrates that you do these “lunch and learns” the next step is made even easier and will be even more successful.

Start by sending an email telling your database about how to “apply.” One of the ways we do this is by a simple two-step email we send out to patients, which includes the subject line:

“Do you want us to come to your business for free?”

The body of the email simply says:

“I’m not sure if you’re aware, but for a long time we’ve been doing community outreach events within local businesses and these have proven to be very popular and we’re always fully booked.

Due to the popular demand, we have decided to open up a few more available slots and offer them to our existing clients before we advertise them.

Please, let us know if this interests you. Depending on the business, we’re typically onsite for 30 minutes to two hours and it’s a fun day. What’s more? It is completely free.

If you want to find out anything more about it, just reply to this email and we’ll see how we can help you.

PS. Slots are limited. So, don’t hesitate.”

Then the follow-up email, which I promise is going to double your responses, simply says:

“Hey, just checking you got my previous email.”

I have to say that this is a six-figure tip. I’ve had someone get into a company of 45,000 people from this one piece of advice.

But let’s just say you ONLY get into one “small” company and you go to that company three times a year for the next five years and get just 10 new patients every time, that is 150 new patients!

Let’s say a conservative 50% become paying clients and that your lifetime value of a client is $1,000. Then, that ONE EMAIL could be worth $75,000. If your lifetime value is say $2000, then you just made six figures ($150,000) from one email.


So, that’s one way to farm your existing database. Another way is to make sure that, in your intake forms when people begin care with you, you ask for information about where they work and what their position is.

You need a high level of awareness from your team to do this because you shouldn’t rely solely on yourself.

While that’s possible, the level of awareness from the team to “pounce” on someone when they see the history form is important.

If all you did was make one CA accountable to ask every single person who comes in, and they follow a script, you can build a list of companies reflexively.

I promise you this will generate some opportunities for you. So, you need to role play and train on this, so that you get the results. You just need to ask. The best way to ask is simply to follow the script:

“John, I notice that you work at XYZ… has anyone told you about our corporate health and wellbeing days?”

That’s a term they may be familiar with because they often have to go to them. Or, you could refer to “our free corporate lunch and learns.” You want to say include the words “corporate” and “free.” You always want to give the impression that this is something you do all the time, even if you currently don’t (yet).

Corporate “lunch and learns” are exactly what it says on the label. If they say, “No, I haven’t been told about them,” the next part is very important.

The only thing you’re trying to get from this conversation is the name of the best person to talk to. Now, they might say something like, “I’m going to ask HR to give you a call.” But you’ve just got to try and get a name from them that you could contact yourself. Just ask the question.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t get the answer, but you’ve always got to ask the question, who is HR? What’s his/her name? Even if it’s the wrong person, you’ve got to get a name to get a way in.

The only goal is to get a contact name. I’m jumping ahead of myself, but when you phone that company, you also want to mention the client’s name – if you have permission.

Simply say, “If I contact the company, can I mention that you gave me the details?” You just want to cover yourself in terms of patient confidentiality and so on.

If you phone and say, “John Smith gave me your con- tact details and he asked me to call you and said that you might be expecting my call,” nine times out of 10 they wouldn’t have said anything about you, but at least you’ve got in.

The Fishbowl Trick

Here’s a ninja move, which if you implemented it today, could get you your next corporate booking in a company within the next week.

It’s called the “Fishbowl promotion”, and it’s simply having a big fishbowl at the front desk. It’s a promotion to get company names and HR contact details.

You’re going to tell people that they stand a chance to win a free “lunch and learn” for their business and additionally that they stand a chance to win a big prize (lucky draw) just for entering – and it has to be a big prize like an iPad or a holiday for two.

My students can get as many as 60-100 new patients from a single event. Just work out what that is worth to you. It’s crazy.

We could possibly be talking about it being worth any- where from tens of thousands of dollars to six figures.

So, is it worth paying for a vacation for two, or an iPad? Of course, it is.

You have to do this, at least, once a year or maybe more. And you need your team’s support.

When we look back at the statistics and wonder if it was worth doing, you might say, “We didn’t get into all that many companies… maybe six or seven. But the number of new clients we got from those seven companies was huge.”

We actually did this, and we sent one of our clients on a holiday for two and it was awesome. It was worth tens of thousands of dollars to us.

All you need is a form at the front desk telling them how they can enter and some photos of the prize.

It simply has their name, email address, contact number, company name, name of HR point of contact and contact number and the approximate number of employees.

They have to fill that out to enter. I prefer making them fill out a form as opposed to dropping in a business card because you get so much more relevant information.

There are some advanced tips to this approach which we teach in my New Patient Avalanche Program.

This is an extract from my Practice Growth Speaking Secrets book, available at

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