- Could you tell me a bit about yourself?
We are a husband-and-wife team running this business together. We both graduated from WIOC in 2003 initially working as associates in clinics in Hertfordshire. Shortly after, we then we started a family in 2006 and now we have 3 growing boys.
We started our own clinic 8 years ago in a tiny 430sqft shop on the outskirts of Reading, UK. We started with Will Adjusting, Alex Managing and just one CA. We have come a long way since then!
Recently we have grown to a team of 7 in a 1800+sqft clinic with 3 Chiropractors and things are going from strength to strength.
2. Why did you chose Ryan as a mentor? What’s the story there?
Things were going ok in 2018, Will was seeing 80-100 visits per week and Alex was managing the clinic.
Then we decided to take on a friend as an associate who needed a job after returning from working abroad and we also took on 2 more CA’s. We decided that, although we hadn’t needed to do much advertising before, that we would need to find out how to get more new patients to maintain Will’s diary and to build our new Associate’s diary as well. Alex had seen an advert for a FREE course on getting new patients which sounded like just the thing we needed. We sat through 2 hours of Ryan talking about how to get more new patients, but then at the end he gave us an offer for a 6-week course called “New Patient Avalanche” where he would give us even more new patient tactics and we felt we just couldn’t say no! It all sounded too good!
We followed Ryan’s advice and we managed to get our new Associate to 70 visits per week within 3 weeks of starting! We couldn’t believe it!
Then after finishing New Patient Avalanche, Ryan explained about joining his Inner Circle which promised to continue to educate us and build our business and oh boy has Ryan delivered.
Since then, we have attended pretty much every course and service that Ryan has developed; from Conversion Alchemy, where he taught us how to better communicate to our patients to improve conversion and retention, to Done For You service where his fantastic team are consistently bring in more than enough leads to fill our diaries.
3. What has been your big AH HA Learning Moment?
One of the biggest Ah Ha moments recently is realising the need to be constantly recruiting as someone is always leaving. We have recently had 2 team members leave our practice, one CA and one Chiropractor. But thanks to Ryan, we had been speaking to a new potential CA and also, have been in contact with a new Chiropractor as well. So, we were prepared for the situation before it had even happened. As Ryan says, “people always leave”, so it’s best to be prepared for it.
4. How would you say your business has changed since you met Ryan?
What has been your biggest win?
Since meeting Ryan our business has significantly expanded not just financially, but physically as well. Without what Ryan has taught us we would not have had the confidence to move the clinic to a bigger site. We would not have been able to grow our team and as we now know, we can just turn the tap on to get more new patients as and when we need it.
Our Biggest win is definitely measuring the stats and watching them improve, (what is measured improves and what is measured and reported on improves exponentially!) So, Will is seeing 150 visits per week and the current associates are seeing 50-60 per week each and PVA’s and life time values are increasing.
5. So what’s your next now for you and your practice?
Next for our practice is to continue to grow and add 2 more practitioners to serve our community more and to start investing in property to grow our passive income.
6. What advice would you give to someone considering joining Ryan?
If you are looking to grow your practice and to dig deep down into your business and find the bits that need improving then Ryan is your man. Your clinic cannot not grow with everything Ryan teaches you.
7. What else do you get from the teachings etc?
We get so much from attending all the Masterminds, Q&A’s, courses etc that Ryan teaches. Every time we get more gems to improve our team, our clinic, our service for example, as there is so much to do and each time there is something new/different to implement. We are constantly learning and improving and so grateful for Ryan’s help, wisdom, and advice. Thanks to Ryan and his fantastic team.